
... to preserve,
promote and perpetuate the Blues Tradition ...


and Grafitti seen around town and the USA
- List a "Blues-ism" here
- Love the life you live and live the life
you love! (modified from Vinny)
- If ya don't love the blues, ya got a hole
in your soul !
- Life without Blues is like a bar without
booze: boring (submitted by Jan)
- Inscription on bluesman's headstone -
" I didn't wake-up this mornin'...."
- The blues had a baby and they called it
- The Blues is Alright!
- Blues Powered
- Mean People Suck
- No Black, No White, Just Blues
- Play the Blues, Damn It! (back
of Stevie Ray's Blues Bar t-shirts)
- Thank you for holding your breath while I
- Blue to the Bone, til the day I die!
- It ain't easy bein' sleazy! (seen
on the back of a t-shirt)
- Doin' my part to piss off the moral
majority! (seen on a bumper sticker)
- Blues...Music about life that has been
lived and will always live on
- Greatness is in the detail percieved by
- Any attempt to define the blues should
end with the phrase "but not exactly"
- Drill Sergeant taught me the real meaning
of the Blues
- If it ain't been in a pawn shop, it cant
play the blues! (submitted by One Card Shy)